Sunday, October 11, 2009

Come do hill repeats with me!

Up Linden Ave, down 725, rinse and repeat.

Hard to do seated with one hand!

Some kids were going the other way down Linden. Do they know there's an intersection and train tracks awaiting them at the base? I didn't notice any squished bodies down there when I came around. So more power to 'em.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I would just like it to be known that I have spotted another stray animal just south of Eastwood Metropark on my bike ride home.

I've seen seen countless dogs and cats. I've even seen naked people.

And now, for the past ten days or so, I've seen Cluckey, Dayton's homeless chicken.

And I'm hoping it doesn't rain much tomorrow.

Because his story needs to be told.