Keep my feet from dancing.
I really hate election time. Why?
It's not the mudslinging TV ads. I don't watch TV much.
It's not the people who spout all the recycled rhetoric from cable news. I still hold out hope that these folks will someday be sitting in the nursing home and spur a thought of their own.
What bothers me the most is the damn political yard signs strewn about people's yards and the side of the road. They are an eyesore and I'm not sure they serve their purpose.
I guess I just can't picture myself driving down the street and saying to myself "Oh lookie there, the Smedley's have a Mitt Romney sign out in front of their yard! They are such nice folks. I'll vote for Romney just because I like the Smedley's!
And ya know what's the icing on the cake? Nobody takes them down when the election is over! That makes them effectively peices of litter that are propped up by two pieces of metal. I swear there's still a Ross Perot sign at the corner of my road.
If I had some gonads, I'd start my own political movement. I'd bring back "The Silly Party" from the Monty Python skits and post some silly and farcical political ad signs. You could post them right next to the real ad signs and maybe people could get a laugh out of it. That's part of my freedom of speech, isn't it? The freedom to say "Politics is a joke".
You can design your own on
Check it out. I made some for you. What do you think of these?
My name is Mick and I approve this message.
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