Thursday, November 8, 2007

TMBG @ Southgate

Holy Cannolli. I went to the best show of my life Tuesday night.

It took me this long to recover and to sort out all the crazy thoughts. It's been two days an I'm still thinking about it.

First of all, it was my favorite band, They Might Be Giants. If you ever have a chance to see them, go. Even if you think they are obnoxious, which many people do. They are such showmen. Second, go see a show at Southgate House in Newport, KY. It's a venue that just exudes charm and is very intimate.

So, what happened? Everything went perfect. My date was a hot brunette named Kristen who stayed sober enough to drive us back. I capitalized on that. I wore my "Tin Man" shirt and my lucky socks. What could possibly go wrong?

I've seen TMBG several times, but I was floored to see that this time they brought a full set of horns! This changed the dynamic completely, enabling them to play some of my faves such as "Museum of Idiots", "Dr. Worm" (the right way), "Spy" and "With the Dark".

Towards the end of the show, John Flansburg comes out with a Bass Drum and he and Linnell performed "Whisteling in the Dark" while modestly threatening members of the close by crowd...

Phone calls from the dead, two encores, Particle Man. I'm at a loss for words.

*For once*

It was awesome.


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