Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Turkey Stuff

What the hell are giblets?

Every year I clean out the inside of the turkey gut and I find two things; a little thing that looks like a colostomy bag (giblets) and the turkey neck.

So, first things first. In terms of turkey anatomy, what are the giblets? If a turkey said to another turkey "man, that ground ball hit me right in the giblets!" where would he mean? Would he in fact, be a "he" in order to have giblets? Or do female turkeys also have giblets?

What do you call a male or female turkey?

And why do we need the turkey neck? I know turkeys have very well muscled necks. In nature, this is very useful as it allows them to walk like Chuck Berry. This is probably a mating thing because chicks dig guys who play guitar, and have big...beaks. But, back to my original point; what do we, the turkey consumer, use the neck for? A lady I visit at the nursing home says it's for making soup. Have any of you had turkey neck soup? If you offered someone "turkey neck soup" the moment they walked in your door do honestly think they would try it?

My theory is that the company who slaughters the turkeys wants us to feel like we're getting a good deal. So, they throw these things in as extras. Kinda like the toy surprise in a box of cheerios, except much more disgusting.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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