Saturday, November 17, 2007

Gym Dude

I was at the weight room today and there's some dude doing the buddy system with a lady 70 or so years of age. He also seems to be pushing her a bit too hard: "You can handle more weight than that".

* Strike one. Be gentle and treat old timers with respect *

He's talking loudly in the super-mp3 player decibel range and he's telling her everything she's doing wrong: "That's not how you stretch the hamstrings, you have to let the muscle fibers extend fully and then let them contract again!". Hah?

* Strike two. Don't broadcast yourself and be a show off. *

The clincher? Dude's shaped like the Pillsbury Doughboy.

* Strike three. Pushing Twinkies does not make you an expert in the gym. *

1 comment:

HIOAg said...

Did it ever occur to you that she could be his mother-in-law?