Wednesday, August 22, 2007

3 teachers walk into a bar

Before the Reel Big Fish Show in a strange town that rhymes with "shitsburgh".

Teacher #1 and #2 go sit at the bar while teacher #3 goes to the john.

Teacher #1: "I think we're in a gay bar!"

Teacher #2: "No way!"

Teacher #1: "There's nothing but guys in here."

Teacher #2: "So, what's new about that?"

Teacher #1: "Take a look at the art on the walls"

(teacher #2 notices that there's several framed photos of shirtless men)

Teacher #2: "Huh".

Teacher #1: "What about that?" (pointing to a banner above the bar that clearly states "hot male dancers Thurs-Sat")

Teacher #2: "Holy shit! You're right!"

(teacher #1 and teacher #2 giggle under their breath and make an agreement to not tell teacher #3 when he comes back. Just to mess with him and see if he could figure it out.)

Teacher #3: "What are you guys laughing at?"

I was teacher #2.

I told him about 5 minutes later because I couldn't stop giggling and just couldn't keep it to myself any more.

Actually, the place seemed really nice. Bartender called another guy "dear". Very friendly.

And most importantly, nobody asked to push in my stool.

Maybe I should find a place like this in Dayton? Ah, I'm not ready to give guys a try just yet. Maybe hermaphrodites. Kinda ease into it...

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