Monday, August 20, 2007

Return To Work Day

I am suffering from a bout of RTWS, "Return To Work Syndrome".

One of the symptoms of RTWS: sarcasm.

Today I returned to work to discover a huge crisis arose in my absence.

*That's some of the sarcasm presenting itself right now*

It seems that some of the members of my department have been severely disenfranchised because the campus mail system has not been operating up to the very high departmental standards we uphold, the same high standards that got me hired as the chairperson.

*cough, cough*


It seems that some of the mail was not being delivered to the proper office. Whoa.

While I was in the Adirondack mountains riding my bike and being stalked by giant bugs, this crisis came to a head. A package was delivered to a location 3 buildings away. Someone had to walk this entire distance to pick it up. Oh Crikey!

A hot potato of this nature couldn't wait for me to re-enter the world of accessible bandwidth. So, let's skip the first four layers of management and call the president's office. Yeah. Oh, and while we're at it, let's send out snippy emails with large distribution lists accusing the mail room staff of purposely not delivering the mail to the proper place. Because I've met them and they're malicious, ya know. I very highly doubt it could have been...a mistake. And even if it was a mistake. Walking three buildings down to get the mail? Not on option. Especially because colleges are so busy in mid-August.

So I'm happy to return and discover that I'm needed to support these folks in their plight against the mean, mean mail room people.

And impressed with their tact, brinksmanship, and overall poopie-headed-ness.

For example, if you go to Burger King and your Whopper isn't up to specs because it has pickles on it, don't stoop so low as to remove them yourself. Make sure lots of people are around. Then, storm the counter and yell loudly "This burger has pickles on it and I specifically asked for no pickles!". Then shove it right in the worker's face.

...and wonder why you got that special sauce you didn't ask for.

Geez! How are we going to open up fall quarter? The mail isn't being delivered right 100% of the time!

Thanks to these guys, I'm sure it will be now!

*sorry, more sarcasm*

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