Saturday, March 29, 2008

More random text message play

Damn. I think I blew another random text message relationship.

This was my third. I have crappy cell phone service and get weirds texts. I view them as random long-distance friendships I just can't seem to make work. To catch you up on my last two:

Molly (local): Stopped talking to me when I prematurely returned an "I love you" and explained the geographical area of the 937 area code.

Unknown (from Kentucky somewhere): Stopped texting me when I asked what his/her favorite color was.

And now I get this today from someone in the NYC area:

Unknown Person: Heeeeeeiiiii

Me: Heeeeeeiiiii yourself!

Unknown Person: Ohh...

Me: Heeeeeeiiii Ohh?

Unknown Person: Wat the ?

Me: Hah?

Unknown Mono Syllabic Person: Wat?

Me: Is a joule per second?

Unknown Repetitive Person: Wat?

Me: I was just pointing out that a 'Watt' is a unit of power and a joule per second. No charge for the physics lesson.

That seems to be where I lost him/her.

I need to be smoother. Bring the physics theory in later in the relationship.

That's where I goofed, right?

1 comment:

GoFastPops said...

I would've gone with "ghetto in LA" and maybe score some cool "Home Boy" points first.