Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Webkinz are Taking Over

They'll find you in your hidey-hole. Resistance is futile.

My kids have Webkinz now. It was really nice knowing you guys.

Cus, I can't get on the computer anymore. It's a full-time portal to Webkinz world.

Webkinz are these little stuffed animal toys. But, they're not just ordinary stuffed animal toys. Well, actually, yes they are. But, they come with a secret code that allows you access to Webkinz World. This is a web site where you can give your Webkin a name, set up his/her room by buying them stuff with pretend money, blah blah blah...

My daughter's Webkin is a black male cat. She named him "Galeo". That's italian for "I came two letters short of being a famous astronomer".

Galeo's room has been decorated in a baseball motif.

Shhhh! He's sleeping...

Galeo's owner wants to be on the computer all the time. So, I am fine-tuning my negotiation skills. Always negotiate a time limit. "I'll let you on, but for 3o minutes. Ready...go!". That watch with the stopwatch feature was a great investment.

Now, something's gotta come to a head here because Galeo's owner is running out of Webkinz money. You earn additional money by taking quizzes in things like math, etc. Meanwhile, Galeo has become accustomed to a lifestyle of material possession. He wants a backyard, which costs 1,000 Webkin bucks. His owner's balance is 7 bucks. So, somebody's gotta take some serious-ass quizzes or maybe turn to making Webkinphetamine.

This will be the test that will determine if the Webkinz survive my house. Could she be that hooked on the Webkinz that she will sit through all those quizzes to earn more money? Time will tell.

One thing that does not bode well for her: half her genes come from a guy who often loses his focus because of his obsessive compulsion over stuff. I spend hours on eBay because I'm building a road bike and buying components for it. I saw some shimano 9-speed stuff which is brand new but really cheap and just as light as the new 10-speed stuff. I can save a lot of money by getting 9-speed and then I can cash in on some carbon fiber handlebars. Carbon fiber is a bit heavier bit it really dampens out the bumps...

...oh...shit. She's totally screwed.

I should have known it when I told her 30 minutes was up and she looked at me and had swirls in her eyes.

And then, I found this:

This is Galeo's X-ray chart.

As you can see, the legs are in good condition, with the "fapulas" completely intact.

The "ear bones" are in good shape too.

Huh. Even when she's not in Webkinz world, she's thinking about Webkinz world. This indicates, she probably takes after her old man.

So, I won't be too hard on her. I felt the same way the other day when I went to a meeting about hollow-pin chains...uh, I mean...budget. And I'm a relatively productive member of society.

Until I get sidetracked by stuff on the web.

Take blogging, for example...

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