Sunday, September 23, 2007

Simon Says "Look at This!"

My four year old daughter had something she needed to get off her chest yesterday:

Daughter: "Daddy?"

Mike: "Yes Sweetie?"

Daughter: "At preschool, Simon came out of the baff-room with no pants and underwear on and he came up and showed me his pee-pee".

Mike: "Oh really?"

Daughter: "Yeah, and it was all curly and inside-outed".

Mike: "Do you like Simon?"

Daughter: "No."

Mike: "Good!"

Thank you Simon, for enlightening my daughter. Enjoy while what you did was still legal. Grow some hair down there it will be a much different story. if I need more to think about, I can now pinpoint the exact date my daughter saw her first penis. I'll always remember that.

Because we Italians never forget. Ya little pervert bastard!

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