Monday, October 8, 2007

I Pity Da Fool Dat Don't Vote!

It is that time when we, the inhabitants of this democratic society must mobilize. Our collective voices must be heard. Soon, we must all cast our ballot...

for the Mrs. T's Capital of the Pierogy Pocket of America.

Potato & cheddar? Potato & Onion? It doesn't matter your affiliation! Even members of the green party (Sauerkraut) should empower themselves.

But as a staunch Potato & Cheddar-o-crat, I'll show my cards and announce that I highly endorse my hometown of Binghamton, N.Y. Just take a read of their Peirogy Pride Proclamation. It's nothing short of inspiring.

It does not matter how you vote. What does matter is that your voice is heard. This country was founded on our freedom to wrap stuff in dough and fry it in oil. So, get out there and vote! And do it NOW! Eastern European-Americans need you!

Make Mr. and Mrs. T proud.

*This message was paid for by the Vote for Binghamton, N.Y. for Pierogy Pocket of America Campaign Committee*

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