Monday, September 15, 2008

Even if you don't know jack about cycling...

...doesn't this get you a teency bit pumped?

How about if I told you that guy, Alberto Contador, won the 2007 Tour De France and then his whole team, team Astana, got booted from the 2008 Tour De France because his teammate doped, and Alberto didn't but they disallowed the entire team anyway? Even though the big bag of douche who doped was hence fired and suspended and they fired management too?

How about if I told you a guy named Lance Armstrong will be making a comeback and riding the Tour De France for team Astana next year, which will could allow for a sack-tingling battle between Lance and Alberto within the same team?

How about if I told you the New York Giants got kicked out of this year's Super Bowl because one guy was on steroids when they played vs. the Patriots? Would you root for them the next year?

How about if I told you I don't have school tomorrow either because it was windy two days ago?

Am I the only one who's fired up around here?

Come on, people. Look alive out there!

Can I get a witness?

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