Saturday, February 28, 2009

In Memory of Squeek The Fish 2008-2009

Squeek The Fish finally succumbed to a long and cowardly battle with intestinal problems and passed away last night in his fishy sleep. Ironically, he chose to exit this world on the first Friday of Lent, a very popular night for Catholic fish frys.

He was one year old, we think. We also think he was in fact, a "he".

But, the memory of Squeek lives on. The hallmark of his life were certainly the signature poo-trails of stunning length.

His bowlmate, Goldie, seems to be taking it quite well. As a matter of fact, a few days prior to Squeek's death, she showed us that the torch of voluminous poopiehood had been passed to her, and she was more than willing to carry it.

Wow! I'm sure Squeek's watchin' you up in fishy heaven. And, he is proud.

Just like I am.

You go, girl.

You go.

1 comment:

AnnaFang said...

you had 2 goldfish in THAT??? no wonder they died. 1 goldfish needs 10 gallons of water, 2 goldfish 20 gallons... What is that?