Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Thought De Jour

I rode a really crappy time trial tonight. 25:18. Last month I was almost a minute faster and it was very windy.

So, a thinker like me has to ask "why".

"Why God, Why?" I said to myself. Oh, and God. Sorry God.

And then, I figured it out.

I spent all foopin' day in a off campus retreat for work. So, I was well rested from sitting on my heiney. But, I don't think I ate good racin' fuel 2-4 hours before tonight's time trial.

Here's why. At lunch break, there were these Croissant sandwiches. They were just sittin' there, lookin' all French and snobby. But, broke down and I tried one and...

Que c'est délicieux!

They had like chicken salad in them with walnuts. Doesn't sound good but Jacque De Bleu! I ate one and then went back for another. Then, I had another and then at 4pm on the way out the door, I looked to see if anybody was watching and then I ganked two more and ate them in the car.

So, I have come to the conclusion that eating French food (which is not very carb heavy) makes you you were French.

And I did.

Have you seen how the French have ridden in the Tour De France this year? Exactly. How about last year and the three years before that? Uh huh.

So, Sunday, I'm gonna stick with the pasta.

Viva Italia!

I just thought I'd share this revelation with you as I sit here drinking my chardonnay.

Shit! I'm drinking chardonnay.

Oops, pardon my French. I hope it's out of my system by Sunday.

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